Marcus Aurelius once said, “There was once a dream that was Joshua’s Creed.  You could only whisper it.  Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish… it was so fragile.  And I fear that it will not survive the winter.”

Now that’s just silly, isn’t it? For one, Marcus was speaking of Rome and not Joshua’s Creed, and two, there isn’t any proof he ever said that outside of a movie.

Joshua’s Creed did indeed start out as a dream, well more so an idea than a dream, but an idea to make good, solid music with a message.  There were a couple of attempts to start it up over the years, but the timing just wasn’t right.  So Joshua’s Creed lay dormant while the subtle flame of the idea flickered enough to remain alive.

The idea certainly was fragile, but it more than survived the winter.

The writing for the first Joshua’s Creed album started in the Winter of 2014.  Technically some of the music had been started many, many moons before that, but that is a rabbit trail we’re just not going to take.  A drummer was contacted and agreed to work out the drum arrangements.  Then the voice was found. We released our self-titled album, Joshua’s Creed on 9/20/16 and the world hasn’t been the same since.

Ideas are becoming reality, and it’s exciting!